VFW Mission statement: The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States believes America is
defined by how it treats those who sacrificed to protect it; we believe in
protecting and fighting for those who were brave enough to fight for us.
Whether on Capitol Hill or in our communities, the VFW fights and defends the
rights of America’s veterans by lobbying for veteran’s rights, helping veterans
get the benefits they deserve, and assisting veterans further their education
with scholarships and living assistance for them and their families. To do
less, would be an unconscionable betrayal of our responsibilities as Americans
and veterans.
That the purpose of this Corporation shall be fraternal, patriotic,
historical, charitable, and educational: to preserve and strengthen
comradeship among its members; to assist worthy comrades; to perpetuate
the memory and history of our dead; and to assist their widows and
orphans; to maintain true allegiance to the Government of the United
States of America, and fidelity to its Constitution and laws; to foster
true patriotism; to maintain and extend the institutions of American
freedom, and to preserve and defend the United States from all her